OTHER:Report County Concerns: Online form for issues related to animals, flooding, street and sidewalk repairs, and more.
Department of Motor Vehicles: (813) 635-5200 (registration, driver's license, etc.)
Voter Registration: (find your precinct, register, etc.)
Hillsborough County Property Appraiser: (pay property taxes, find info on home, etc.)
Hillsborough County Public Works: (813) 635-5400 (repair traffic signs, road closures, etc.)
Hillsborough County Animal Services: (813) 744-5660 (lost/found animals, pet registration, etc.)
Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful: 1-877-Y-LITTER or 1-877-954-8837 (report litter bugs throwing trash from vehicles)
University of Florida IFAS Extension: (813) 744-5519 (links to landscaping information - plants, mulch, bugs, irrigation and much more)